Waste management
Be the change
Services offered
Whether you work in an office, kitchen or warehouse, we provide hassle-free, zero carbon and zero waste to landfill food waste collections at your convenience to help you operate in the most sustainable way.
We will provide you with bespoke reporting and advice to help your business reduce its impact on the environment and become more cost efficient.
In a UK first, we are using your food waste to generate renewable fuel for the Bio-Bee, a refuse truck that is collecting your waste, as well as renewable energy for homes and communities and biofertilisers for agriculture. This is the circular economy in action.
Be part of the zero waste revolution. Come and join us on our quest to make Bristol cleaner and businesses more sustainable. Get in touch with us today to discuss your needs.
How can we help you?
GENeco is committed to providing the best service we can to our customers, as well as helping Bristol to become a zero waste city.
We collect source-segregated food waste from commercial premises within the Bristol area. We will provide bins and associated services, with collection frequencies to suit your requirements. The food waste is treated at our award-winning anaerobic digestion facility.
Our refuse truck, the Bio-Bee, is sustainably powered by biomethane that is generated by food waste. It is a markedly cleaner fuel than conventional diesel trucks, helping to reduce the level of harmful pollutants on our city's busiest roads. It's also less noisy than traditional HGVs.

Why recycle?
An estimated 10 million tonnes of post-farm gate food waste is thrown away across the UK every year, but only 1.8 million tonnes of food waste is currently recycled. Once the food waste reaches the landfill sites, it rots and degrades, releasing around 20 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane (CH 4 ) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), into the atmosphere each year. Valuable nutrients are also lost from the resource cycle when food waste is landfilled, nutrients that could be put back into the land to fertilise new crops or used to generate renewable energy for homes and communities.
Recycling food waste reduces the amount of waste being landfilled, which in turn stops these greenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere. Treating the waste via anaerobic digestion allows both the energy and nutrients within the food waste to be used in a sustainable and ethical way.
Our process
Food waste is collected in the Bio-Bee, our biomethane-powered refuse truck, and brought back to our anaerobic digestion plant in Bristol. The waste is depackaged and plastic is removed and used to produce sustainable electricity for homes and communities.
The remaining food waste undergoes a pasteurisation process, before being fed into the anaerobic digesters where micro-organisms break down the waste in the absence of oxygen, and produce methane-rich biogas. This biogas is either used to generate renewable electricity or it is converted in our gas to grid plant to enriched biomethane that is injected into the gas grid. At this stage it can be used as fuel in our Bio-Bee and other vehicles or to supply local homes.
The solid by-product of the anaerobic digestion process is used as a nutrient-rich and sustainable biofertiliser for farms.

Waste we accept
We offer supermarkets, local authorities, food manufacturing organisations, hospitals, universities, catering establishments and waste management companies a cost effective and more sustainable way for their food waste to be collected and recycled.
We collect and recycle a wide range of animal by-products Category 3 food waste such as:
- supermarket food waste
- damaged or expired stock
- kitchen and restaurant waste
- food processing by-products
We are also able to accept other types of bulk waste, so please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.