Hands on help down at the farm
A group of volunteers recently spent the day at GENeco's neighbours, Lawrence Weston Community Farm
Staff from Geneco, Boston Tea Party and Extract Coffee Roasters got together to lend a hand to the Brandon Trust's Greenfields project, based at Lawrence Weston Community Farm. The Greenfields project is aimed at supporting older people with learning difficulties to be active and to develop their creative skills and interesting within the context of gardening and other craft activities.
The willing helpers from the three companies got involved in a number of activities, including the construction of a new pallet fence for the project’s vegetable patch, creating new raised beds and plenty of digging.
Charlotte Stamper, bioresources analyst at GENeco said: “The four parties working together is a great example of the circular economy in action. For example, coffee chaff from Extract Coffee Roasters is collected by GENeco and brought to the farm for composting.”
“We also collect food waste from Boston Tea Party in our Bio-Bee and recycle their food waste to produce renewable energy and biofertilisers.”
Ben Hall, project leader at Greenfields, said: “It’s been fantastic to have the help of such a dynamic, enthusiastic and energetic group of volunteers.”
“The work they carried out has made a great impact, and the site is looking brilliant. A new fence, raised beds and lots of digging done….we are very pleased!”
“It’s lovely to have made this positive connection with GENeco, especially as they are based just around the corner from our home on Lawrence Weston Community Farm."
Another day is planned for later in the year to enable more staff to get involved.